Monday, February 8, 2010

someone elses life, but not really

if i dont actually have a life of my own i might as well live my life through other men, ones i want to be or ones who i think share the same values in life, and coincidently, remind me of myself.

Michael Novotny (hal sparks)

fictional character but one i wish i could be more like. he has a great deal of friends in the queer scene in pittsburgh and a mother that is a loud hag in the same scene working at a cafe in the district. one of the best things about him is that he attracts Ben, a college professor. their relationship is something i watch and live for only minutes at a time. michael is someone i envy so much. the only way he reminds me of myself would be his personality traits like creativity and his enduring goals for a relationship.

I DIE, JUST DIE WATCHING THIS minus the music at the end.
i ruined the plan not to write.

1 comment:

  1. aaaw :) so adorable, I miss that show for the good parts like that, you're right, they could have picked a better song choice for the music though ;P something more romantic or sweet...
